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England Football Accredited


Accredited. Part of England Football.



Football leagues and clubs accredited by The FA have positively changed the football landscape over the last 20 years. They create the ideal environments to nurture players, coaches and volunteers. The result is greater diversity and inclusivity through football. England Football Accredited replaces The FA Charter Standard and is the next chapter in this amazing story as we unite even more communities by supporting Leagues and Clubs over the next ten years.



Who is accredited for?

England Football Accredited is for all non-professional leagues and clubs. It can help them create the experiences and environments where players. coaches and volunteers can thrive. Accredited clubs are more sustainable, more resilient and built to last.


England Accredited Club

Accredited Clubs

Any non-professional club can become England Football Accredited. To start your journey today, log into the Club Portal.
IOM Women's league

Accredited Leagues

Any non-professional league can become England Football Accredited. Contact us to start your journey.

Raising stars of the future

All accredited clubs offer a consistent standard on and off the pitch. Stars are used in accreditation to recognise clubs that provide more opportunities for more people to play.